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Common Mistakes of The Newbie Cleanser


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This post serves as a collaboration point for member contributors and public opinion from anonymous viewers. There is no para-graphical information here except for the introduction that follows. The list below is the current, refined list derived from the exhaustive list of Key Concepts that the Administration of this website, and in collaboration with Authors, Practitioners, Professionals and Cleansers has determined are relevant to this section of this publication.

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Introduction To: Common Mistakes of The Newbie Cleanser


This entire Mini-Course/Ebook is about Successfully Starting The Master Cleanse, so of course we have some common mistakes that one might make while preparing to do The Master Cleanse. But we have also prepared a list of common mistakes one might encounter throughout the cleanse.

Key 1: Getting Started

Getting started is what this information is all about. There are a couple of areas of concern that many people fall victim (prey) to.

  1. Self Sabotage: All of the following can be consider self sabotage (either conscious or subconscious) actions that will often result in less than successful results.
  2. Choosing a time near a holiday or other major events: Don’t make your time on the cleanse harder than it has to be by choosing to do your cleanse near (or worse yet) on a major holiday like Thanksgiving. That is just torture and will result in failure more often than not.
  3. Not considering your daily needs:  You need to consider where you will be during your day on the cleanse. Will you be at work, or at home? Many people take time off to do the cleanse.
  4. Not preparing mentally:  If you rush head-long into the cleanse without understanding the process or the potential challenges you are setting yourself up for failure.
  5. Not reading proper instructions: Starting The Master Cleanse without reading the proper instructions (Stanley Burroughs or Tom Woloshyn’s Books) will dramatically increase your chances of doing the cleanse wrong, feeling worse during the process and not being successful.

List of Key Concepts: Common Mistakes of The Newbie Cleanser

  1. Getting Started
  • Choosing a time near a holiday
  • Not preparing mentally
  • not reading proper instructions
  • Self sabotage
  • Lemonade Issues
    • Not drinking fresh
      • Making batches
        • Can use concentrate
    • Not using ripe lemons
      • storing in fridge
    • Not drinking early enough
      • within 1 hour
      • 3 glasses by noon or half and half
    • Not drinking enough
    • Drinking more water than lemonade
    • Not having juice with you when your are out
    • Taking ingredients separately or omitting one or more.
    • Not using best possible water
    • Using honey or other sweetener not recommended by Stanley
    • Putting cayenne in the concentrate
  • During The Cleanse and Stopping The Cleanse
    • Worrying too much while on the cleanse
    • Continuing with supplements
    • Cheating
    • May as well avoid social outings (all have food)
    • Stopping too soon
    • Coming off improperly
    • Not taking the laxative at night AND? morning
    • 2 tablespoons not teaspoons

    Read the full post here: Common Mistakes of The Newbie Cleanser

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