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The Master Cleanse Day By Day


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This article will cover some of the main steps of The Master Cleanse. These include minimizing negative symptoms, the ease-in and ease-out, as well as maintaining your good health after the cleanse.

For a much more detailed guide please go to The Master Cleanse Roadmap Page and submit your name and e-mail address in the form located on the right of the page. You will instantly get FREE access to The Master Cleanse Roadmap and The Master Cleanse Report.

How To Do The Master Cleanse And What To Expect

Although it is a pretty simple diet, there are certain steps you cannot skip. It is crucial you have the right information or you will very likely fail and not get the full benefits of this amazing cleanse.

Not only is it imperative to know and understand everything about the ingredients but perhaps more importantly about the various mental and physical challenges your body will put you through during the cleanse. If you know what to expect and why it is happening you will be better equipped to deal with those challenges and thus you will be more likely to have a successful and rewarding experience.

The Master Cleanse Report and TheMasterCleanse.org site will guide you through all the steps and answer any questions you may have.

Detox Symptoms = Your Body Throwing Out The Trash

Everyone who does a detox diet of any kind will experience some negative side effects of some sort. This is not a bad thing of course, it simply means that your body is working hard to get rid of all the bad stuff that has been building up inside you.

Although you may experience negative side effects like headaches, bad breath, white tongue and so on, these do not persist. They often come in waves; some days you might feel great, more energized and have a general sense of well-being but on the other hand as your body detoxes you may have days where you feel a general malaise. You should not be concerned by this as it is perfectly normal.

You have to understand that the more toxic your body is the more negative symptoms you will experience.

How To Minimize Negative Symptoms

In order to help your body it is crucial that you drink plenty of the lemonade drink. The ingredients within the drink all play an important role in helping your body detox.

You also have to understand that your body is constantly working hard to get rid of those nasty toxins that have been building up and it is absolutely necessary that you help it expel these toxins as quickly and efficiently as possible. Not doing so will give you greater negative side effects and even be harmful to your body as the toxins are released and have nowhere to go but back into your system. That’s where the laxative tea and Salt Water Flush come into effect.

The Various Steps Of The Master Cleanse

This is only a quick recap of the main steps, please register by filling in the form on The Master Cleanse Roadmap Page  to get your FREE Master Cleanse Report and Roadmap.

The normal minimum recommended time for the diet is ten days with an optional three day ease-in and an imperative three day ease-out. Ideally you want to do the cleanse around four times per year.

Getting The Right Ingredients And Equipment

Get all the stuff you will need before you start the cleanse, that way you won’t have any excuses. Know and understand why it’s important to stick to the original formula. Learn about certain tricks and tips that will help you along the way.


This isn’t crucial but may help some of you who cannot deal so well with a sudden cut-off from solid foods. It will also help minimize the side effects that come with detoxing and introduce a healthy, long term eating plan that you can adopt after having finished the detox.

The idea is to eat a healthy diet filled with Living Foods like raw vegetables and other healthy options. Ideally you want to consume freshly made organic vegetable juices. You can also opt for soups and broths.

The Lemonade Diet

The lemonade basically consists of lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup and water. Simple as it is, there are some important steps to follow for optimum results. And don’t fret, as long as you drink enough of the lemonade throughout the day you will not feel hungry. You may also drink water throughout the day.

Now that your body is in full detox mode you have to help it eliminate all the nasty toxins by taking a laxative tea at night and either a laxative tea or do “The Salt Water Flush” in the morning. Expect to go several times to the toilet! Even when you are in the middle of the cleanse and haven’t eaten any solids for days you will be amazed at the amount of waste that still comes out.

The salt water flush can be a bit tricky but our report and our site have plenty of great tips to make things a little easier.


This is the perfect time to stick to a healthier lifestyle void of processed foods and filled with nutrient rich living foods. It consists of slowly re-introducing solids within a three day time frame.

Beyond the Diet

If you want to go that extra mile then there are lots of other things you can do to accelerate the cleansing process. Exercise, body scrubs, infrared saunas, massages and so on will contribute to a healthier body. It is also important to take time out and rest. Your body will tell you how it feels and what it needs on any given day.

There may be days you feel fantastic and full of energy and others where taking it easy and resting is a better idea.

Are You Ready For The Master Cleanse?

There is no doubt about it, this is a fantastic detox diet. It is guaranteed to help anyone lose weight and more importantly it cleanses the body in a healthy manner. It is completely safe and natural.

Our Master Cleanse Report will also outline in detail some of the hurdles you may come across and how to overcome them. Know what to expect so that you stick with it till the end. Also find out whether to keep on cleansing or not and so much more. So what are you waiting for? Go and register and start today!

Read the full post here: The Master Cleanse Day By Day

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