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This post serves as a collaboration point for member contributors and public opinion from anonymous viewers. There is no para-graphical information here except for the introduction that follows. The list below is the current, refined list derived from the exhaustive list of Key Concepts that the Administration of this website, and in collaboration with Authors, Practitioners, Professionals and Cleansers have determined are relevant to this section of this publication.
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The sections or chapters of this publication work are also available for discussion at the parent to this page: Successfully Starting The Master Cleanse
Introduction To: Social Preparation: Who to Tell About Doing The Master Cleanse
When you do anything in life you inevitably involve other people. As we all know, dealing with other people can either be a source of comfort and support, and it can provide a tremendous amount of pressure which sometimes can seem intolerable. Whether you believe people are inherently good or bad will definitely impact the people you chose to spend time with, but also your general outlook on life, and therefore may reflect on your perspective when it comes the very personal choice of who, if anyone will you share this experience with.
Key 1: A Shift in Cultural Acceptance
Tom Woloshyn has been practicing The Master Cleanse and has been a practitioner of holistic health therapies including The Master Cleanse since it’s invention by Stanley Burroughs in the 1970’s. Tom, author of the book “The Complete Master Cleanse”, and subject of the interview for version 1 of this Mini-Course and Ebook explains that 30 years ago when he first started doing the cleanse that people thought he was “quite insane”
Breaking down walls
Today, we see a major shift in perceptions in people towards almost anything alternative. We can now realize that the way see things isn’t the only way. The internet has played a large roll in the changing of our attitudes. They say that knowledge is power, but what it really is is freedom from ignorance, and from judgement. The more we understand, the less we condemn. Today it is far easier to break down the walls of belief with a little sound reason, and access to google.
Even still, today you will find the best intentioned friends and relatives who will look at you like you have a horn growing out of your head when you tell them that you won’t be eating for 10 days. Now, I often use those words for effect because I like shock and awe. I love when I get a reaction from people. Of course I am leading them to an explanation where I help them understand that although I am not going to be chewing food, I will still be eating; I will be nourished by sufficient calories and nutrients.
List of Key Concepts: Social Preparation: Who to Tell About Doing The Master Cleanse
- A Shift in Cultural Acceptance
- Acused of being in a cult
- 30 years ago
- Today
- Setting Boundries
- Secret life of cleansers
- People come out of the woodwork
- Pubilc scorn and ridicule
- Avoid making compromises or answering difficult questions
- Converting People
- See how good it is
- Break down beliefs
- Be held accountable
- Include people and friends
Read the full post here: Social Preparation: Who to Tell About Doing The Master Cleanse